Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Matt

Yesterday was Matt's Birthday. I think his day started off very well, it began with Ella Catherine singing him happy birthday. Then, we had a great breakfast of his favorite breakfast casserole. Unfortunately, we both had to work and so that was where the fun ended for the day. Luckily Beth is still here doing her last PA rotation and she offered to watch Ella Catherine and let us have an adult birthday celebration last night. It was very nice to be able to take him out for his birthday. Especially since we both had long days at work! We celebrated a bit as a family first. We sang happy birthday and Matt got to see his special B-day cake I made for him the night before. He has wanting a guitar for some time now and this was the best I could do this year. I figured with all his other hobbies and the new baby he wouldn't have time for the lessons right now. All in all I think he had a great birthday and appreciated hearing from all our friends and family.

Matt's guitar b-day cake
The birthday boy and me after a long day at work, excited about our evening out

A quick Potty update!

Ella Catherine earned 2 more stickers at school today and another one tonight at home. YAY!!!

1 comment:

Roger Cole said...

im so impressed amy!!!!