Friday, September 27, 2013

Cassidy is 10 months old

 I can't believe Cassidy is already 10 months old!  With Matt in graduate school, I thought this year would just creep along, but it has flown.  I'm sure for him it has not been as fast.   Cassidy is just getting so BIG!  You can see her little personality in all the pictures below.  The many faces of Cassidy.  She continues to be a GREAT sleeper, thank you Lord!  She is still a very happy baby.  She loves daycare, her teachers but mostly LOVES her siblings.  She is a good eater and has yet to find a food she won't eat.  She eats some with more enthusiasm than others though.  She is taking a sippy cup well.  She loves to pull up and cruise along the furniture but not ready to let go quite yet.
Cassidy, big 10 months old
What is this on my chest?
Wonder if I can get it off and put it in my mouth
Happy Girl
Wonder if I could go that way