Friday, May 20, 2016

Unfortunate Accident

I got a call at about 11:40am yesterday, when I looked at my phone it was Cassidy's Daycare.  It is never good to get a call from the daycare.  However, I was not prepared for the reason for the call.  I thought I was getting the " your child is sick" call.  Unfortunately instead, I received the "your child has had an accident" call.  I was then informed that Cassidy had fallen and chipped her teeth.  My first thought was ok no big deal just a little chipped tooth.  Oh No, she then preceded to tell me that one tooth was 50% gone and the other was about 25% gone in her estimation and that at least 1 of the teeth was loose.  

My next call was to the dentist and then to Matt.  His reaction was much like my initial reaction, no big deal.  That is until I sent him the pictures below.  His reaction to the pictures was the same as my reaction when I saw my sweet little girl as I arrived at the daycare.  Oh My Goodness!  How in the WORLD did that happen.?  WOW.  Apparently, one unfortunate face plant that hit things just so that it broke them.  She was a trooper and didn't appear to be in pain.  I got a hold of the dentist office and we had an appointment later that afternoon.  So, i took her home for a nap.  She woke up from her nap stating her teeth hurt, so I gave her a little Motrin to take the edge off.  We watched Sophia the first and then off to the dentist we went.  

I was NOT prepared for what the dentist had to say.  Or the news I was going to receive about my precious baby girls teeth.  What I learned was that when she fell and her teeth broke, she damaged the nerves and that the nerves were exposed on both teeth.  Both teeth were loose but one worse than the other.  He gave us two options.  We could try and salvage the teeth, in what he described as a type of mini root canal.  The pulp in her teeth would be removed and replaced with an artificial substance and then they would have to stabilize and rebuild her teeth.  There was no guarantee it would work and she had an increased risk of having abscesses in 6month-1 year.  Which if that happened they would either have to repeat the procedure or extract the teeth.  Our other option, extract her teeth.  

Let me tell you, this was not an easy decision.  However, after discussion with the dentist and talking things over with Matt, our decision was to have her teeth pulled.  So, at approximately 10:40 today Cassidy had her front two top teeth removed.   Throughout the whole ordeal she has been amazing!  She cooperated with both dentists fabulously.  She was such a trooper.  Thank goodness for treasure boxes and wonderful care providers.  However, as I sit here and type this and my sweet little one is sleeping off the anesthesia I am still filled with the anxiety and sadness.  Doing the right thing for our children is not always easy.  Parenthood comes with some tough decisions.  One thing is for certain.  Front teeth or not, this little spit fire will still be able to light up a room with her smile. 

Cassidy Making her bulldog face with her broken top teeth

Closer picture of the extent of the damage

Sweet girl waiting on the dentist yesterday
Such a little girl in a big chair, keeping her eye out for the dentist

Matt and our sweet Sassy Cassidy playing in the waiting room this morning waiting on the medicine to start working

Dentist putting on her "princess mask" AKA the good stuff

Precious girl watching TV in the ceiling and being soooo good.