Monday, October 10, 2016

Oh Captain My Captain

Ella Catherine was named Captain for the day for her soccer Friendly today.  To say she was excited was an understatement.  Her team played really well together and they tied their first game and won their second game.  Although she usually plays a defender, in the second game she played forward and had 3 shots on goal.  One of those was a penalty kick and she scored putting her team ahead.  It was a beautiful day for soccer and a nice ending to fall break and the weekend.

First Introduction to Mississippi State

 Since Matt and I are such big college football fans, we thought it would be fun to take the big kids to see our alma maters during fall break and catch some live football games.  Only Baylor's schedule did not cooperate.  Luckily, Mississippi State's football schedule did.  Off to Starkville for the weekend we went.  Matt had a great time driving/walking around his old stomping grounds and showing the kids all about his time at State.  Saturday, we had fabulous seats at the football game.  Only wish that the bulldogs would have played better.  Despite a loss, we had a wonderful time.  A definite must do again.  Hopefully, next time Cassidy will be old enough to come and enjoy the football game with us.  For this trip she had a fun time having some one on one time with Mimi in Memphis.
Enjoying some homemade ice cream at the MSU dairy

So, the Dairy is very close to the area around the stadium where tailgating occurs.  As a rule, no one can set up or officially claim a spot until 4pm the Friday before game day.  So, we sat at the picnic tables and watched as people ran to claim a spot and then start setting up their tents.  The kids were fascinated by the process and it was fun to see the transformation the next morning.
After a trip to the bookstore Friday where they were able to pick out some new MSU attire, here they are all dressed and ready for the game (and breakfast)

Matt took us to one of his favorite spots for breakfast, The Starkville Cafe. Matt with his mini me.
Me with his other mini me.
Before heading into the game we had to have a pic with the Bully Statue and rub his head for good luck.
Game Time!
The kids enjoyed some playtime at the alumni section before the game.  Including this MSU bounce house/slide

Wouldn't be a trip to a MSU game without meeting BULLY!  
Tattoo to show her spirit

Carter went conservative and got it on his hand,

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Soccer Season is among us

We spent the morning at the baseball field and the afternoon at the soccer fields.  Ella Catherine had 2 games this afternoon.  She decided that she wanted to try out for a club soccer team this year, the same team that she played indoor soccer with last year.  She made the team and we have enjoyed watching her strengthen her skills and learn more about the sport she loves.  Club soccer is definitely a different level of play and it has been fun watching her rise to the challenge.  She prefers to play defense and so that is where she mainly plays.  Although on occasion she gets the itch to play offense and try to score.  All in all, It was a gorgeous day to be outside watching your children enjoy organized sports.

Warm -ups: Calling for the ball
Warm-ups: Trapping the ball

warm-ups: stretches

Getting muscles warm and game ready
While sister was warming up, Carter and dad got in a little batting practice
Doesn't everyone use a soccer net as a batting box?
Game Time
And she is off
Getting the ball down field
Big boot: Love how she puts her whole body into it
Taking the penalty kick
Her approach
Again putting her whole body into a big kick down field.  Crazy is it almost went in the goal but the keeper got it.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Carter decided that this fall he wanted to play baseball instead of soccer.  We are so fortunate that he was able to get on a team with his best friends, coached by their fathers.  Today was his first official game and we are so proud of him.  He hit 3 out of his 4 times at bat.  Unfortunately, we have to work a little on his speed to first base as he was thrown out all 3 times.  He played 3 innings as catcher and 3 innings as pitcher.  He threw 2 players out at first and caught a pop up fly ball.  A great effort and although they didn't win, we couldn't be prouder of his first game as a baseball player.

Getting a few catching pointers and warm up from dad before the game

Had to get a picture of him in his catching gear

First inning as a baseball player.  All geared up and Ready!

The Braves in the dugout cheering on their teammates

Love him!  

Sweet little sister, his biggest fan.  but lets be serious, she is in it for the snacks!

And the Big Sister, his biggest critic.  But also one to cheer him on and be super proud when he plays well.  

Loved that after the game both teams met on the pitchers mound and prayed

Carter and his best buddies, Max and Clayton
First at Bat.

Landon, Carter, Max and Clayton.  They may have lost the game but their spirits were still high.  Love the memories he is making.

Monday, August 8, 2016

First Day of School 2016

Its hard to believe that it is time for another school year to begin.  The Summer flew by but it was great.  

Ella Catherine will be in the 4th grade this year. At 9 she is starting some tween behavior and it is challenging to say the very least but also fun to watch her grow up and be independent.  She loves soccer, video games, geology and her favorite subject in school is Math.

Carter will be in the first grade.  At 7 he is all boy!  He hasn't quite found his sport yet but has enjoyed trying new things.  He still loves Legos, StarWars and over the past year a new love for all that is PokeMon.  While he likes to read, Math is also his favorite subject.

Cassidy is moving up to the PreK 3-4 classroom.  She continues to be our more spirited child. :)  She loves puzzles, to dance, she is learning to write her name and she still loves trying to hang with the big kids.  Especially Carter's friends...she thinks they are Cute! :)  we are in trouble with this one.

First Day of 4th Grade, Mrs. Hearn's class at Rock Springs Elementary
First Day of 1st Grade, Mrs. Dillard's class at Rock Springs Elementary

First Day as  FireFly at Ms. Nichols Inc.  (PreK)  With Ms. Clarissa and Ms. Alexis

So excited
So, honestly I was inside while Matt was taking these photos.  So, I can't 100% say what was going on but just that it was normal Shenanigans for Sassy and I love her expression
Whatever it was it had Carter tickled
And this my friends are what normal days are like and the trials and tribulations of trying to take pictures at our house.  

Monday, June 20, 2016

Room Makeover

Ever since Cassidy was born, Ella Catherine has been talking about the day that they would share a room.  Matt and I wanted to wait until Cassidy was out of a crib and potty trained for that to happen.  Well, she has been out of the crib and potty trained for quite some time.  So, while the kids were away at Grams and Grandpa for their grandparents week at the lake.  Matt and I transformed Ella Catherine's room.  I wish I had taken before pictures with the furniture but, we are very happy with the results and the girls were thrilled with their surprise.  Wonder how many years we have before big sister isn't going to want to have little sister in the same room?  Until then, we will enjoy it.

Before- walls were a dark sage green

After- walls are a tiffany blue.  Brightened up the room a lot

They each have their own closet

A dresser to share

And what they are most excited about, bunk beds!!!