Tuesday, January 10, 2012


My mom (AKA Nana) made this cute sweater, hat and mittens for Ella Catherine.  It has been unseasonably warm this winter but we finally had a cold enough day for her to wear it to school.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year

We had a very low key New Year's Eve at the Lynch house this year.  I was on call for work and worked most of the day Saturday and Sunday.  So, I didn't really feel like doing much.  We let the kids stay up a little later than normal and after they went to bed Matt and I watched a movie.  We watched the Ball drop in NYC and then the music note try to drop in Nashville before calling it a night.  I told you it was low key. 
Sunday, I did a little work, we went to church, I did a little more work and then Mimi came in town for the rest of the holiday weekend.  We have been having a very mild winter   So, the kids have been able to enjoy their swingset more than anticipated.  As you can see in the pics Mimi also enjoyed it. :) We celebrated Christmas part 3 and the kids enjoyed having Mimi their to help them play with all their new things.

Big Sis pushing her little brother
Swinging with Mimi
Mimi helping With the monkey bars
Mimi helping carter open his Chuck the Truck
More presents
Trying on her new rain boots
Carter and in new "motorcycle"