Friday, April 30, 2010

Georgia and Colorado

Cori enjoyed fixing Ella Catherine's Hair and Ella Catherine enjoyed playing with Cousin Cori
Pop helping Ella Catherine go accross the monkey bars at the park

Ella Catherine playing at the museum

Happy Couples first dance

3 Generations of Lynch Men. (Next time we want a picture of the 3 generations of James Lynchs. Uncle Jimmy I know you are reading this so remind us!!)

Carter's Goose Egg. It got unbelieveabley huge!

Matt's cousin, Amy, got married last Saturday April 24th in Estes Park, Colorado. So, Carter, Matt and I (along with Grandpa, Grams, Uncle Michael, Uncle Christopher, Aunt Katie and Uncle Shannon) flew out to Colorado for the wedding. The Wednesday before the wedding Nana and Pop drove up from Georgia spent the night and then took Ella Catherine back with them to Georgia on Thursday for a big girl's weekend. We had a great time in Colorado and I think she had an equally good time in Georgia.
When we got to Denver on Friday we had heard rumors about low temperatures and snowstorms and the rumors were true. It was snowing like crazy up in the mountains. So much so that the bride and groom were delayed to their own rehearsal dinner. No one minded the delay as it allowed us all time to catch up with family. The wedding was beautiful and elegant. The scenery was breathtaking. The wildlife was unbelievable. The company was outstanding. We had a wonderful trip.

It was Carter's first time in an airplane and I can honestly say that he did, ok. Not great but not bad. Flying with an infant is challenging because of their schedules and tight quarters. Carter has never been a baby that liked to be rocked or patted to sleep. He would much rather be put down and left alone. He doesn't fall asleep with the mom bounce and sway or pat. Infact, all of that usually makes him angrier. So, I knew the airplane would be a challenge. Luckily, I brought "the closer" (AKA Matt) with me. He is completely unphased by crying and screaming. So, when Carter got irritable he just got up and went to the back of the plane and worked his magic. When he came back my little monster was once again an angel. He did great at the wedding but had a little fall at the reception. I knew when he fell that it wasn't going to be good. I wasn't sure what he hit but I knew I needed to get him up, comfort him and get him out of the room quickly as he was going to wail. And wail he did indeed but I can't say I blame him. He hit his forhead on the metal leg of a reception table. I now know where the phrase goose egg came from. (See picture below). Luckily, Matt's cousin, Theresa, is a sports medicine MD and gave him a quick neuroexam. It cut our night short as we left and headed back to our cabin to monitor our little man for an hour or so before he went to bed, but it definitely made me sleep easier knowing that he had been checked. Surprisingly the next morning the bump was gone and only a blue bruise was in its place. Kids are so resilient.

As for Ella Catherine, she had a ball in Macon with Nana, Pop, Becky, Cindy (AKA aunt Kelly), Cori, Uncle Brian and Aunt Lori. Nana and Pop took her to the museum and the park. Cori and Uncle Brian played ball with her. Aunt Kelly colored and played bubbles with her. She was Nana's little helper and helped make dinner and even made some banana pudding. She was a very good girl and was very excited to see Matt on Monday. He met my folks half way to pick her up.

We have had a good week at home and are recovering from the Nashville Flood and being evacuated. story and pictures to come.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby Kisses

I had almost forgotten how great it is the first time your baby kisses you. Carter started giving those open mouthed slobbery baby kisses this weekend and it was absolutely WONDERFUL!!! You can ask for a kiss and he will give you one with a BIG grin on his face and it is often followed by a little baby chuckle (one of the best sounds on the face of the earth). This morning when Matt got him up he laid a big kiss on him and it made his day! God has truly blessed us!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring is here!

We are so excited that Spring is finally here! Our sinuses are not so happy about all the pollen but it is a small price to pay for the beautiful weather. We have been enjoying lots of outdoor time.

Easter weekend Nana and Pop came to stay with Ella Catherine and Carter while Matt and I had our first adult weekend since Carter was born. We went to Louisville, KY for my best friend, Jennifer's wedding. It was so nice to be able to sleep in and actually get a full night of uninterrupted sleep. The wedding was BEAUTIFUL and we had a BLAST! We have decided that we need to go back and actually get out and enjoy the city as this trip we only enjoyed sleeping in the hotel room. :) We got home just in time for the Easter bunny's arrival. We can't thank my parents enough for taking care of the kids.

A little update on the kids:
Carter is now 10 1/2 months old. He gave us a scare about 1 month ago. He had pneumonia and almost ended up in the hospital. Luckily the antibiotics worked and in 24 hours you would never have known he was sick. He is standing up by himself now and will walk holding 1 finger. It is only a matter of time before we have a cruiser. He is just as happy as he can be and his chuckle is one of the highlights of my day. One of the other highpoints is his bear hugs. He LOVES to give big hugs.
Ella Catherine is a delight and a handful all in one cute little package. Matt and I are well aware that she is no longer a toddler but a little girl. It really is amazing how muh she has changed in 3 years. Much to her dad's delight she is really starting to become interested in sports. She has started wanting to play baseball with Matt in the yard. She can throw the ball pretty well, has a pretty good arm on her but we are still working on the catching. I have a feeling that she will have her own little glove and teeball set here before too long. :)
Spring morning anxiously waiting to be able to go outside
Hunting Easter eggsStanding up by himself
Beautiful Spring day at the parkElla Catherine showing Carter the flowersMe and the kidsMatt and Ella Catherine (LOVE this Picture!)MS walk at Percy Warner (whole family minus Baylor participated)

Throwing the softball with daddy in her tutuCarter loving the car