Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Road to Recovery is a Slippery Slope

Just when we thought the Lynch Household was on the mend, Ella Catherine had a relapse. We really thought we had licked the cold and ear infection but on our trip to Georgia her congestion got worse. We had the Pediatrician call in a stronger decongestant and we thought it was working until Saturday. Saturday she was definitely more congested and started to have discharge from her eyes. By the ride home Sunday, her eyes were a lot worse and we knew we were headed back to the Pediatrician Monday morning. She has bilateral ear infections and was prescribed a stronger antibiotic. She may look just like Matt but I've always said she had my ears. And it appears I was right, well atleast the inside of her ears are taking after me. I had ear infections for the first 18 months-2 years of my life until I got ET tubes. Let's hope this is not Ella Catherine's fate.
On a more fun note! We had a FANTASTIC Thanksgiving in Georgia. Matt, Jeff and my dad stayed out at the cabin most of the time. They deer hunted, duck hunted, crow hunted and fished a little. Matt got 2 does and a duck and Jeff got 1 buck and 1 duck. A good time was had by all! We had lunch at Kelly's house on Wednesday. Thursday after our Thanksgiving lunch and Ella Catherine's nap we went over to visit with Robin, Hutch, Skylar, Sidney and Sophie. Ella Catherine enjoyed playing with the girls and Sidney gave her a hug and kiss when we left. It was REALLY cute! The rest of the trip we either hung out at the House or the cabin with the guys. It was a nice relaxing vacation. I'll post some pictures soon.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

On the Road to Recovery

Well after almost a month of illnesses at the Lynch household, I dare to say I think we are all on the road to recovery!!! :) We actually got out this weekend and were able to go see the Christmas tree lighting at Saddle Creek. Ella Catherine sat on Santa's lap for the first time and surprisingly there weren't any tears until she was exiting his lap. After we heard a few christmas carols from the children's choir, we went to go get something to eat with Ed, Katie, Lewis, Sarah Ella, Roger and Airey. It was fun seeing everyone and Ella Catherine Loved hanging out with her friends. The party was broken up early because all the babies had to get to bed. Here are a few photos from the night.
Ella Catherine sitting on Santa's lap. As you can see, she was a little leery of jolly St. Nick but who can really blame her? She had fallen asleep in the car on the way to the event. So, we had to wake her up and then we put her on some strange man with a long white beard's lap. I would have screamed bloody murder!

Our friend , Airey, siting on Santa's lap. Isn't he just precious in his Santa's hat? Airey and Ella Catherine attend the same Mother's day out program at our church. So, they get some good play time together every Tuesday and Thursday. Well, that is when one or the other is not sick. :)

This is our friend Lewis sitting on santa's lap. Also loking very cute in his Santa hat. Lewis was so cute he just snuggled in with santa and was as happy as can be. He turned 4 months old this Saturday. It is so hard to believe he is already 4 months old.

We had to borrow the Santa Hat! :)