Nana, Pop, Uncle Christopher and Mimi all came in town Friday and we made homemade pizzas to celebrate. She got to open up some of her presents. Matt and I commissioned one of his coworkers to make her a princess dress and we bought her some "heel highs" as se calls them to go with it. Nana and Pop bought her a ballerina leotard with an attached tutu and the ballerina slippers to match. Mimi bought her princess Pj's with matching slippers so we could get her out of the other two outfits to sleep! :) She had a ball changing outfits and shoes all night! She also got a John Deere tractor pedal toy...every princess needs one. :)
Saturday Grams and Uncle Michael joined the festivities and we all headed over to the Red Caboose Park for her big celebration. She had a ball playing wth all her friends on the playground. It is located next to one of the libraries in town, which had the cleanest potty. So, Matt took all the kids and he read stories while they each took turns with one of the other mommys going potty. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of that. She topped off her day by opening two more princess dresses(snow white and cinderella) from Grams and Grandpa. She has worn one of the 4 dresses almost daily since.
Seems like yesterday that she was born and we held her for the first time. How much has changed in 3 years. She is such the little lady now and a great big sister. Some of my favorite things she says: heel highs= high heels, titans= tights, I'm gonna won= I'm going to win, all the singy ladies= all the single ladies (usually accompanied by the tune, picked this one up at daycare from a friend). She will now ask for something and promptly follow it up with "don't say no". For example, "momma can I have some goldfish..don't say no." She likes to plays hide and seek, throw the softball in the yard and LOVES to run. She is a complete card shark! She can win go fish and old maid 8 times out of 10. She loves playing the board game pretty pretty princess (thank you aunt Kelly and cousin Cori) and is gearing up to give Uncle Brian a run for the title our next trip to Georgia. I obviously could go on and on but in a nutshell, she is a wonderful daughter and we are so blessed to be her parents.
The Pretty Pretty Princess with all her jewels
At her Birthday Party at the park, ready for some cake. :)