For those of you who know me well, you know that I do not believe in giving babies/toddlers a lot of sugar. For this reason, our daughter did not have anything considered a sweet (that I know about) until her first birthday. Since that time, she has been allowed to have cake at birthday parties, an occasional cookie with her multiple sets of grandparents and most recently has enjoyed her Sunday doughnut hole at the social after mass. However, on a daily basis her life consists of your basic fruits, vegetables, dairy and meats with a few graham crackers thrown in every now and again. Halloween came and I believe in trick or treating and letting kids be kids. We went trick or treating and she was allowed to eat a few pieces of candy that night but then we hid the bag of "prizes". Since that time we have given her a piece of candy as a "prize" when she eats all of her dinner or doesn't throw a fit in the bath tub (tub time is a nightmare at our house). Yesterday I told Matt that I didn't want her to think she would get candy everyday because let's face it Trick or treat candy doesn't last all that long (especially when daddy and mommy are helping to eat it). Well, she is a smart cookie and had it all figured out! She went pee pee in the potty last night and took her bath beautifully (not one tear shed and Matt even washed her hair). We were praising her and telling her how proud we are of her and she smiled and said "Prize!" I definitely think we have created a prize monster.
Sadly, she has inherited her mother's sweet tooth.