Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Harvest time at our Home Garden

We decided to try our hand at gardening this year, and by we I mean Matt and the kids.  My mother has a green thumb but mine is brown.  Luckily, Matt's is very green.  My contribution was taking the children to pick out and buy the seeds, not touching anything once it was planted and cooking what the garden produced. We have a lot of deer and rabbits in our neighborhood so Matt built Ella Catherine and Carter a raised garden. They each were able to pick out the vegetables they wanted to plant and then help Matt plant them.  In addition to their gardens, Matt planted carrots and tomatoes in our bed by the side of our house.  Ella Catherine picked tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, corn and cantaloupe.  Carter picked tomatoes, cucumbers, corn and green beans  We harvested a small about of lettuce and corn.  A pretty good amount of cucumbers and carrots, and a fabulous amount of tomatoes.  Unfortunately, the cantaloupe and green beans were a bust.  I think the kids really enjoyed checking the progress of their gardens everyday and I know they loved being able to pick their crops.  Matt says he learned a lot this first year and he and the kids will try again in 2014. 
Ella Catherine showing off her cucumber

Matt's tomato plant is taking off.  First tomato of the year. Cannot wait to taste it.

Showing Carter how to support the tomato plant so the shoots don't break

Picking the first tomato

Carter showing Matt is Cucumber

Picking his cucumber

Showing us his "huge" cucumber

Picking another one

Super excited

The first Harvest, 3 cucumbers and a tomato.  Looks like cucumber salad to me!

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