Thursday, July 4, 2013

Firecracker 5k

Matt and I signed up to run the YMCA annual firecracker 5k.  They also have a kids 1K fun run that we signed Ella Catherine and Carter up to run.  The website said the kids got a fun little finishers medal and so we thought the kids would get a huge kick out of getting a medal.  Plus it was an opportunity to get in some family time and exercise too.  The great thing about this event is that they offered childcare.  So, the kids could play in the childcare facility during our run and then we could go grab them for the fun run.  Originally we planned to bring the jogging stroller and push Cassidy with us.  Well, the weather didn't quite cooperate.  It was pouring rain when we woke up.  Matt and I made the decision to go ahead and go.  Hoping it would stop before the race.  No such luck.  We put all three kids in the childcare and pushed through 3.1 miles in the pouring rain.  At the end of our run, the rain began to slow down a little but it didn't stop.  I went and asked Ella Catherine and Carter if they still wanted to run in the kids run.  Ella Catherine was all about it.  Carter not so much.  He was having fun playing inside and did not want to run in the rain.  So, we left him inside and Ella Catherine and I went to line up for the fun run.  She did amazing and had so much fun!  After the race she said she wanted to run more races.  Hmmm we might just have a budding runner on our hands.  So proud of us for finishing what we set out to accomplish even though the conditions were less than ideal.  Great memory.
A little tired and a lot wet, but we got it done and had fun doing it.  Lynch running team
Ella Catherine with her medal

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