Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Crafts

My mom came in town the week before Christmas to help me with the kids so that Matt could go to Georgia to do some hunting.  We usually go to Georgia for Thanksgiving and he counts on this as an annual hunting trip, but Cassidy's birth meant he had to miss his trip this year.  So when mom offered to come in town early so he could go, he jumped at the chance.  The kids and I enjoyed some time with Nana.  The weather wasn't the best and so we didn't get much out door time, but Nana and I had planned lots of Christmas crafts and baking to keep us busy.  The kids made two different types of ornaments.  We made dough ornaments, baked and painted them.  Then they made button ornaments using styrofoam balls, pins and lots and lots of buttons.  We also made a paper chain to decorate our Christmas tree.  We drank lots of hot chocolate, ate some baked goodies and even watched a christmas movie or two.  You might notice that Carter is wearing pajamas in the photos.  I believe he wore pajamas the entire two weeks he was on Christmas break. :)  It was a struggle to get him back in clothes the first day back to school.

Mommy holding the ornament so Carter can paint it

Ella Catherine painting her ornaments

Nana showing Carter how to make a paper chain

Paper chain making

Making button ornaments

Look how long my paperchain is mom

Look how pretty the completed paper chain looks on our tree

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